Rwandan Ambassador explains her country’s achievements and challenges at the HSP Seminar (31 May 2017)

Ambassador Ventia Sebundandi introduced Rwanda’s solutions that have contributed to rapid recovery and growth since the 1994 genocide. Students of the University of Tokyo, from other universities, participants from the United Nations offices and agencies, development agencies and private sector had a good opportunity to enhance their understanding of the socio-economic development that Rwanda has achieved, as well as challenges it is facing.
Ambassador Ventia Sebundandi explained the restorative justice mechanisms that Rwanda chose, instead of retributive justice. They included Gacaca Courts and Abunzi/Medication Committees.
Mr. Tomoyuki Naito, Senior Advisor, Japan International Cooperation Agency explained the significant development that took place in agriculture and internet infrastructure of Rwanda. He identified Rwanda’s challenge to be the lack of secondary industry.
Prof. Hasegawa posed a question to the Rwandan Ambassador about the challenges that Rwanda is facing and how women’s participation was pursued.
The seminar was organized by the Graduate Program on Human Security, co-organized by the three Global Research Centers including the Global Research Center for Sustainable Peace.
Prof. Sato moderated the seminar, and Assoc. Prof. Kihara-Hunt organized the seminar.
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