

HSP Symposium “The SDGs and Network Governance: The Possibilities and Issues of Data Innovation” (July 13, 2019)

The SDGs and Network Governance: The possibilities and issues of Data Innovation

Summary: The development of data-driven innovation, including the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), and blockchain is expected to play a key role in tackling sustainability challenges, including environmental protection, energy security, public health, and humanitarian assistance. Critically depending upon data availability and accessibility, data-driven innovation requires efficient and effective collection, diffusion, and utilization of a vast amount of various kinds of data in cyber-physical systems. A network mode of governance is of particular importance to facilitate open, dynamic interactions with stakeholders in realizing the potential of the emerging smart technologies. In this seminar we discuss opportunities and challenges in data-driven innovation in addressing SDGs and their implications for network governance, considering societal concerns about privacy, cyber security, and public safety.

Date: July 13th, 2019 (Sat) 18:00 – 20:00, followed by Reception at Bldg. No. 18, Open Space

Venue:  Bldg. No. 18 (Map), Hall, Komaba Campus I, University of Tokyo

Lecturer(s):  Masaru Yarime (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)

Commentators: Masato Noda (Associate Professor, Ibaraki University), Yoshiyuki Yamamoto (Special Advisor for UN Engagement and Blockchain Technology), Kotaro Katsuki (Director, Global Issues Cooperation Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

Moderator: Yasunobu Sato (Professor, University of Tokyo)

Language: Japanese

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