CDR Quarterly vol.5

“Human Trafficking as a Process: a Perspective of Human Security and Public Anthropology” Shinji YAMASHITA
“Human Rights Situation After the Great East Japan Earthquake and Nuclear Power Plant Accident in Japan” Kazuko ITO
“Gender Roles and the East Japan Disaster: What’s Missing in Japanese Disaster Risk Management from an International Perspective?” Fumie SAITO
“Disparity Exposed in Disaster Area: Turkish-Kurdish Rift Seen in the Earthquake Stricken Area of Van, Turkey” Mio SHINDO
“Japan: Re-Determining the Purpose of Resettlement Programme” Junko MIURA and Shikiko MASUTOMI
“Asylum in Japan: an Overview of Government Commitments and Asylum Statistics” Miki ARIMA
“Interview of Tadanori Onitsuka, Member of the Immigration Detention Centers’ Visiting Committee, the Ministry of Justice” Kumiko NIITSU