Corporate Human Security Index (CHSI) Project ―Towards the Promotion of Business Efforts on “S (Social) aspect of ESG” and “Business and Human Rights.”

Research Center for Sustainable Peace (RCSP) of the University of Tokyo and Business and Human Rights Lawyers Network (BHR Lawyers) have started the Corporate Human Security Index (CHSI) project as a research project of RCSP.
“Human Security“, which focuses on human freedoms and potentials of individuals, aims to promote the self-reliance of people and the sustainability of societies through the protection and empowerment of people. This concept also leads to the philosophy of “leaving no one behind” of the SDGs (Sustainability Development Goals).
From the perspective of “Human Security,” this project will seek to reframe business initiatives on the “S (Social) aspect of ESG” and “Business and Human Rights”.
We research the methodology and examples on how business can pay special attention to the human rights of socially vulnerable people, support them in strengthening their own capacities, and make social impacts through dialogues and collaboration with various stakeholders. We will also examine the possibility that such initiatives will enhance the integrity, resilience, and corporate value of companies.
Based on the studies, we plan to formulate the Corporate Human Security Index (CHSI) as an indicator for investors, consumers, and other stakeholders to proactively and objectively assess the above-mentioned business efforts related with the “S (Social)” aspect of ESG.
We hope that this project will promote companies and governments in Japan and Asia to proactively respect and support human rights and contribute to resolutions of social problems while complying with international norms. In implementing the projects including the formulation of the CHSI, we intend to collaborate with stakeholders in various sectors inside and outside Japan and Asia. Thank you for your support and cooperation.
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