

CDR Quarterly vol. 11

CDRQ vol. 11 introduces an English translation of Japanese refugee case laws recommended by the refugee law experts in Japan.

This edition also looked at Korean refugee law cases and related laws for a comparative study.

Since Japan’s refugee case law is available in Japanese only, it is not easy for the non-Japanese speakers to access Japan’s refugee case law and understand the Japanese court’s point of view and the legal ground on refugee protection. CDR wishes that this Japanese case law translation project would invite and encourage scholars and professionals from both inside and outside of Japan to openly discuss Japan’s refugee protection.

[Please be advised that the English translation of the cases provided in this journal is an unofficial translation and provided solely for reference and academic purposes only. The author and/or the CDR cannot be held responsible for any erroneous translation and is presented as-is. The original case law in its original language is leading.]