The movie of “Human Security in Myanmar : The Impact of COVID-19 And the Role of Japan” is available.

We had The University of Tokyo Human Security Program Spring Symposium “Human Security in Myanmar : Impact of COVID-19 And the Role of Japan” in July 2021.
Now a movie of the symposium is open to the public.
July 10, 2021
Human security entails freedom from fear. In Myanmar, since the military coup in February, violence and fear have been used to suppress non-violent anti-coup protestors. As a Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM), they demand the restoration of the democratic government according to the results of the November 2020 elections. Despite the peaceful nature of the protests, the number of people killed and arrested by the military continues to rise. Myanmar, a country also hard hit by COVID-19, now faces the additional challenges of a seriously paralyzed economy in the wake of its violent military coup. Humanitarian crisis by food shortage, new influx of refugees and IDPs as well as the escalation of civil war are highly concerned.
For the people of Myanmar, the crisis continues to be amplified by the pandemic. Recent UN interventions have proven ineffective, and negotiations by both ASEAN and Japan have yet to produce any results. In the dilemma of freedom from fear and want, what realistic approach can be taken to restore human security in Myanmar and protect the lives of its people? What reforms might be promoted to safeguard Myanmar’s democratic process? What is the role and responsibility of Japan? How can non-governmental actors, including academia, protect and empower the people of Myanmar, whose human security is now under threat from violence, poverty, fear, and COVID-19? Efforts to protect human security in Myanmar must be undertaken to secure the dignity and safety of the people in Myanmar.
Part1 / we invite keynote speaker Ms. Zin Mar Aung, appointed Foreign Minister of the National Unity Government (NUG) by the Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw of elected parliamentarians at Myanmar’s national elections in November 2020, to share insights on NUG’s approaches and strategies to overcome the situation.
Part2 / A panel discussion is to follow on the roles of academia in Japan, non-governmental actors, and second track collaborations in Asia to address Myanmar’s human security crisis.
Movie URL:
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