Commemorating the Retirement of Dr. Shunichi Ikeda of ANU “Immigrants, Refugees and Multiculturalism in Japan and Australia: Comparing Education in Japan and Australia”

Date: January, 29th , 2017(Mon.) 16:40 - 18:35
Venue: Bldg.18, 4th floor, ‘ collaboration room 2’ , Komaba Campus, University of Tokyo
Shunichi Ikeda (Senior Lecturer, Japan Centre Department of East Asian Studies School of Culture, History and Language ANU College of Asia and the Pacific The Australian National University)
Commentator: SaburoTakizawa, (Chairman of the Board of Directors Japan for UNHCR)
Moderator: Yasunobu Sato (Professor of the University of Tokyo, Director of the Research Centre for Sustainable Peace (RCSP))
Language: Japanese and English
Graduate Program on Human Security, University of Tokyo (HSP)
Research Center for Sustainable Peace, Institute of Advanced Global Studies (IAGS), University of Tokyo
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) of JSPS, 2016-2021: Network Governance for Access to Justice in East Asia
Refugee Policy Platform (RPP)
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