

【Seminar Info:6/15(Mon)18:00-】HSP Seminar (#267) “Sexual Exploitation and Abuse at the UN: the Issues, Prevention and Accountability”

Nearly 30 years has passed since the issue of sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA) in UN Peace Operations has become public. What is the nature and extent of the issue, and how has the UN been preventing and responding to it? This seminar is based on findings from her research into accountability for SEA and the High-Level Roundtable on SEA co-convened with the UN Victims’ Rights Advocate in 2019.

Date: 15 June (Mon) 2020,  18:00-19:30

Venue: Zoom
(URL will be given after you register at

Lecturer: Dr. Ai Kihara-Hunt (Associate Professor, Graduate Program on Human Security (HSP), the University of Tokyo)

Language: English

Materials: To be distributed to registered people.

Organizer: Graduate Program on Human Security (HSP), The University of Tokyo

Co-organizer: Research Center for Sustainable Peace, Institute of Advanced Global Studies (IAGS), The University of Tokyo

Notes: Those who are registered for the Special Seminar on 17 June by the UN Victims’ Rights Advocate (limited to University of Tokyo faculty and students), please join this seminar.


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