

HSP Seminar (#271) “International Leadership in the 21st Century: Themes, Contexts, and Critiques”

(Click here for details (PDF))

TitleInternational Leadership in the 21st Century: Themes, Contexts, and Critiques
DescriptionsThere are currently two major processes at play within the international system, especially as a result of the ‘New Cold War’ between China and the US, and the major disruption to international relations caused by COVID-19 and climate change.

On the one hand, there are observations about the lack of leadership at the international level, be that in addressing long-term issues such as climate change or the unprecedented challenges, including the economic challenges, posited by the current global health crisis. In these observations, the lack of leadership is often targeted at global governance in general and international organizations (UN, WHO) in particular.

On the other hand, it is yet to be known what leadership at the international level entails. Is it part of the transferable skills that depend on the person’s abilities, or a gift certain people are born with? Does the type of leadership depend on the context in which we live? Or is it dependent on the goal? In short, while there seems to be a shared quest for more international leadership, there is no agreement on which form such leadership should take.

In this seminar, discussions are focused on two main questions:
1. What is the international leadership needed in the contemporary world?
2. Are there any specific leadership models that cater for specific needs?
The panels are formed alongside these two questions.
There are currently two major processes at play within the international system, especially as a result of the ‘New Cold War’ between China and the US, and the major disruption to international relations caused by COVID-19 and climate change.

Date7 November 2020 (Sat), 15:00-18:00
VenueZoom (Prior registration required by 6 November at:
LecturersProf. Kate Gilmore (Fellow, Harvard University; former Deputy High-Commissioner for Human Rights, UN Office of the High-Commissioner for Human Rights);

Prof. Lise Howard (Professor, Georgetown University, President, ACUNS);

Prof. Suze Wilson (Professor, Massey University, New Zealand);

Prof. Varuni Ganepola (Professor, Monash University, Australia);

Prof. Sukehiro Hasegawa (Special Advisor, Kyoto University of the Arts, former Special Representative of the Secretary-General, UN Mission for Timor-Leste);

Prof. Sangita Rayamaji (Professor, Pokhara University, Nepal)

ModeratorsAi Kihara-Hunt (Associate Professor, Graduate Program on Human Security (HSP), the University of Tokyo);

Herman Salton (Professor, International Christian University)

MaterialsTo be distributed to registered people.
OrganizersGraduate Program on Human Security (HSP), The University of Tokyo;

Academic Council on the United Nations System (ACUNS) Tokyo Liaison Office;

International Christian University (ICU)

SupporterResearch Center for Sustainable Development, Institute of Advanced Global Studies (IAGS), The University of Tokyo

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