Category: "Seminar"
Seminar2019.07.09HSP Seminar (#259) “Refugees and Asylum Seekers: Between Human Rights and Social Integration – Comparative Studies between the Case of the UK and Japan”(July 23, 2019)
Seminar2019.06.04HSP Seminar (#256) “Refugees and IDPs in South Sudan and Its Neighbors” (June 20, 2019)
Seminar2019.05.21HSP Seminar (#255) May 29th “Can Blockchain Improve UN?: Possibility of Decentralized Assistance”
Seminar2019.04.09Open Seminar: Why is the UN failing to mitigate sexual exploitation and abuse in Peace Operations? – From social behavioral science perspectives
Seminar2018.11.27“Human Security Now in Cambodia -Seminar on Human Security Forum Study Tour”
Seminar2018.11.15“Dispute Processing in Cambodia: Labour Arbitration” Nov., 16, 2018
Seminar2018.11.15GraSPPリサーチセミナー/HSP セミナー “AIIB Today—Its Governance and the Rule of Law”
Seminar2018.10.23【International Seminar in HK】Building and Access to Justice Network for Business and Human Rights in Asia, 28th Oct.
Seminar2018.10.09Joint Research Project on Prevention and Accountability of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse in United Nations Peace Operations launched under LIXIL-USHIODA East Asian Humanities Initiative
Seminar2018.10.02【イベント告知】“カンボジアのいま -2018年7月「総選挙」後、どうなる、どうする” 10月13日(土)
Seminar2018.10.02【Lawasia Side Event】International Seminar on the 25th years of Cambodian Peace Building on 1st Nov.
Seminar2018.06.19【HSP Seminar】One Belt One Road Initiative and Japan’s Indo-Pacific Strategy towards Eastern Africa