Category: "Seminar"
Seminar2022.06.01"I Had No Will to Live": Gender, Violence, and Subjectivity Among Rohingya Refugee Women
Seminar2022.03.15Refugees, Forced Migrants and the Mandate of the UNHCR
Seminar2022.03.05Investigating Violations of International Humanitarian Law by Domestic Systems: Developing Law and Practice
Seminar2022.03.04【 Global Praxis class Seminar】The Trust Fund for Victims Reparative justice through the Trust Fund for Victims at the International Criminal Court
Seminar2022.03.04【 Global Praxis class Seminar】Investigating possible violations of International Humanitarian Law
Seminar2021.07.31The movie of “Human Security in Myanmar : The Impact of COVID-19 And the Role of Japan” is available.
Seminar2021.06.26The University of Tokyo Human Security Program Spring Symposium “Human Security in Myanmar: The Impact of COVID-19 And the Role of Japan”
Seminar2021.06.09HSP Seminar (#282) “People’s Stories Seminar: Human Rights Best Practices in COVID-19 Responses ” (Jun. 11, 2021)
Seminar2021.05.25HSP Seminar (#281) “International Humanitarian Law seminar series: from basics to Moot court and Role Play” (May 18 – June 1, 2021)
Seminar2021.03.05HSP Seminar (#279) “Symposium on Sanctioning Human Rights Violations: Magnitsky Laws in the World – Lessons Learned” (Mar. 12, 2021)
Seminar2021.03.05GraSPP Research Seminar & HSP Seminar (Tuesday, March 16, 2021)—Joint Online Event— “The Roles and Responsibilities of IFIs beyond COVID-19—AIIB’s Innovative Features in Governance and International Standards”
Seminar2021.02.15【Feb. 22, 2021】 The possibilities for cooperation with Cambodia through civil society in the age of SDGs: Japan’s role amid COVID-19 and new US-China tensions