General news2021.10.30【報告書】アジアからの「ビジネスと人権」の主体的な取組を促す 企業における「人間の安全保障」インデックス(CHSI) プロジェクト
Media2021.08.27【Media : The Asahi Shimbun】「INTERVIEW / Hisashi Owada: Education vital for international order based on cooperation」
General news2021.08.05Publishment of 『Journal of Human Security Studies』Vol.10 No.2 Special Issue 2021
Seminar2021.07.31The movie of “Human Security in Myanmar : The Impact of COVID-19 And the Role of Japan” is available.
Media2021.07.21対談録「どうする人権デュー・ディリジェンス ~ ESG/SDGs推進の要としてリスクからチャンスへ」
Seminar2021.06.26The University of Tokyo Human Security Program Spring Symposium “Human Security in Myanmar: The Impact of COVID-19 And the Role of Japan”
Seminar2021.06.09HSP Seminar (#282) “People’s Stories Seminar: Human Rights Best Practices in COVID-19 Responses ” (Jun. 11, 2021)
Seminar2021.05.25HSP Seminar (#281) “International Humanitarian Law seminar series: from basics to Moot court and Role Play” (May 18 – June 1, 2021)
2021.03.06【ウェビナー開催】2020年3月24日(水)16:00-18:00 企業における「人間の安全保障」インデックス(CHSI)策定に向けて ーCHSIプロジェクト中間報告会ー
Seminar2021.03.05HSP Seminar (#279) “Symposium on Sanctioning Human Rights Violations: Magnitsky Laws in the World – Lessons Learned” (Mar. 12, 2021)
Seminar2021.03.05GraSPP Research Seminar & HSP Seminar (Tuesday, March 16, 2021)—Joint Online Event— “The Roles and Responsibilities of IFIs beyond COVID-19—AIIB’s Innovative Features in Governance and International Standards”
Seminar2021.02.15【Feb. 22, 2021】 The possibilities for cooperation with Cambodia through civil society in the age of SDGs: Japan’s role amid COVID-19 and new US-China tensions