General news2022.04.26Career Opportunities: Traineeship in the Legal Division
Event reports2022.04.18学習支援ボランティア募集
Seminar2022.03.15Refugees, Forced Migrants and the Mandate of the UNHCR
Seminar2022.03.05Investigating Violations of International Humanitarian Law by Domestic Systems: Developing Law and Practice
Seminar2022.03.04【 Global Praxis class Seminar】The Trust Fund for Victims Reparative justice through the Trust Fund for Victims at the International Criminal Court
Seminar2022.03.04【 Global Praxis class Seminar】Investigating possible violations of International Humanitarian Law
General news2022.02.072021年度活動報告書完成のお知らせ
Event reports2022.01.072021年度国際人道法(IHL)模擬裁判・ロールプレイ大会国内予選大会開催報告
Event reports2022.01.07ILOキャリアセミナー「国際機関で働くこと、求められる人材とグローバル人材育成への取組み」
Media2021.12.26Multilateral Financial Institutions: Rules and Practice